St. Paddy's Day @ The Wild Clover in association with 4Leaf Agency

Sat Mar 15, 12:00 - Sat Mar 15, 23:00


All over the world this day is celebrated with great enthusiasm and fun intent. Why should Cape Town be any different? Wild Clover Farm, in partnership with 4Leaf Agency, will be bringing you the first St Paddy's Day annual event. St. Patrick's Day is of course on March 17th, however this year we will be having the mother of all shenanigans on Saturday, March 15th 2014!

Great live bands, fully stocked bars and great food all set on an amazing location just outside Stellenbosch. And of course a never ending supply of the 'Black Stuff' (that's stout to you and me!), all washed down with a good whiskey. This party will no doubt become an annual event in everyone's diary.

Venue: The Wild Clover Farm. R304, Stellenbosch
Date: Sat 15 March 2014 (12pm - 12am)

After all, everyone wants to be Irish for a day!

Early bird & on-line tickets R100, Door tickets R120. - (021) 462 1529