Nuy Valley Festival
Sat May 19, 09:00 - Sat May 19, 17:00
Very Special Outdoor FestivalThe Nuy Valley, about 13km from Worcester on the Robertson road, is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful areas in the Western Cape. The friendly citizens of the Valley look forward to sharing with you on Saturday, 19 May, the beauty, the good and the pleasures of Nuy. Be assured it is a most pleasant experience!
Get aboard one of the ‘Nuy Valley Express’ tractors with wagons for transport through the vineyards and olive trees from one feast venue to another. The tractors with wagons will operate from 09:00 until 17:00.
The popular Nuy Valley Feast is hosted by Nuy Winery, Willow Creek Olive Estate, Conradie Penhill Artisinal Wines and Leipzig Country House and Winery. There are always a variety of activities and things to do which ensures visitors – and especially the young ones - lots of fun. Included are wine-tasting, olive-tasting, Craft beer, Trail Run, wine yoga, live performers and potjiekos competition.
The festival starts at 09:00 and please note that wine sales close at 17:00. Full particulars of the festival and accommodation offered are available on the website An application form is on the website. Phone Riana Wium 084 245 3922 if you have any questions. Or send an email to
Nuy Valley Feast entry fee: (one ticket for all 4 venues, buy your ticket at any of the venues)
R90 per person (wine glass included)
12 - 17 year R30 (no wine glass)
Free entrance for children 0 -11 years