Take Advantage of the Counter Trend Trend

Fri Jun 19, 09:00 - Fri Jun 19, 10:00

Event is online


When looking for opportunities for the future, we often look at what trends are most prominent and try to tie our message to that trend.

But what if you don't identify with the major themes? What if you want to express yourself in a more unique way?

Welcome to Counter Trends. For every trend you identify, there are legitimate opportunities in its counter trend. In this session we learn how to identify trends, fads, bubbles and then carve out unique, exciting and valuable counter trends within which to make our unique space.

Charlotte Kemp is a futurist, professional speaker and author and has designed the Map, Compass and Guide model to the future.

This session is free of charge and takes the form of a conversational webinar. After an initial presentation from Charlotte, there is an opportunity to share ideas about the concept and ideas.