The Healing Power of Sleep

Fri Jul 3, 10:00 - Fri Jul 3, 11:00

Event is online


Sleep is the master regulator and can be considered a superpower of physical and psychological wellbeing. Restless sleep can create wide-ranging effects; impacting on weight, compromising our immune system, causing inflammation, and influencing our genes.

People devalue sleep and are completely unaware of what happens to them when they are sleep deprived. As a society we are so habituated to low levels of sleep that most of us don’t know what it feels like to be fully alert and awake.

Do we treat sleep like a “tradable commodity,” sacrificing it for work, entertainment or some other lifestyle choices?

In the meantime, everything from our health to our relationships to our sense of wonder get diminished. Sleep is the food of the brain, a great many of us aren’t just hungry for sleep, we are starving.