Trees Eco Park Market VENDOR TICKET 29 Nov

Sun Nov 29, 10:00 - Sun Nov 29, 17:00

Trees Eco Park


Relax at Trees Eco Park!

Families will love this picnic & party park! Jungle gyms, a sand pit & the swimming pool ensure the air is filled with children’s laughter, as the rest of the family relax under the shady trees. The venue boasts separate cannabis-friendly smoking areas.

We introduce our new Kids Market section, where little ones are encouraged to be entrepreneurs. Children must have parental supervision/ assistance to run the stall. Children may sell anything except for meals. Snacks, crafts & other market items are permitted. Bring all your own equipment. Please book a FREE vendor ticket.

Market details:

Venue: Trees Eco Park

Time: 10am - 5pm

Date: 29 Nov


PLEASE NOTE: This ticket is to BOOK A STALL for Trees Eco Park Market

(Guests are free on 29 Nov)



  1. Stall Fee: R200 + Quicket Booking Fee
  2. Arrival Setup Time: 8am (Market starts at 10am). Please go to the market manager with your ticket to assist you with stall placement.
  3. Facilities: Bring your own tables, chairs, extensions, gazebo, decor, etc.
  4. Electricity: There are electrical points available- bring your own extensions.
  5. Stall Staff: 2 Stall staff are allowed per stall. Please pay entry for other guests.
  6. Product/ Services: No alcohol or cannabis may be sold. The venue does not have a liquor license. It is currently illegal to sell Cannabis in South Africa.
  7. Social Media: Please share the event on your social media platforms to increase attendees. Social media links available at Remember to take photos of your stall & products for your social media posts.
  8. Whatsapp Group: Please join Trees Eco Park Market Whatsapp group for regular updates & communications: 
  9. Website Listing: Please list your brand on our website:
  10. Queries: Nats 071 182 1717 or [email protected]


By purchasing this ticket, you are agreeing to the following terms & conditions:

  1. All trading is at the risk of the individual vendor.
  2. Chronicle & Trees Eco Park reserve the right of admission & to censor any vendor if deemed inappropriate.
  3. Vendors are responsible for leaving the venue in the condition they found it.
  4. Vendors are responsible for their own accounting & tax compliance.
  5. Stall Ticket Fees are non-refundable as they are used to organise & promote the events. Please notify us immediately if you are unable to attend.
  6. Vendors will be assisted by the market manager. Please do not ask the venue staff for assistance, as they have their own preparations & duties. 

Thank you for joining Chronicle Markets & Events! We wish you prosperity!


Trees Eco Park Market VENDOR TICKET 29 Nov
Trees Eco Park
2 Totius Rd, Rynfield AH, Benoni, 1514
Get Directions