Family friendly

Cape Town Pride 2021+ Virtual Parade

Sat Mar 27, 16:00 - Sat Mar 27, 18:00

Event is online


Cape Town Pride 2021+ is going Virtual!

Check out all Virtual Pride 2021 here on Quicket!


All funds raise will be going to the Nkoli House Project!

The Nkoli House* Project, so named in honour of the late Simon Nkoli, a gay activist and anti-apartheid campaigner, who fought tirelessly for freedom, equality and social justice.

We have identified the need for a community centre aimed at providing a home and safe space for our diverse LGBTI+ community to gather, meet and mix with like-minded people – with special emphasis on the often-over-looked needs of the silver seniors in the community.


We are currently in negotiations with the City of Cape Town, and Provincial and National Government and other stake-holders, to secure the premises which have been ear-marked and exist, however, it is in dire need of renovation in order for it to be fit for purpose.

To achieve this goal in getting the Nkoli House* Project up and running we NEED to raise R1 million

(± US$66000 – sixty six thousand).

It does not matter how small your donation is – every amount matters.

We hare hoping to have this funding in place by 1 June 2021