Family friendly

Secret Sunrise Durban Onesieland

Sat Jun 19, 07:00 - Sat Jun 19, 08:00

Venue in the caption


Welcome back to Secret Sunrise!

WHEN: Saturday 19 June 2021

Wireless headphones will be provided for the hour

Entrance Fee:

*** Kids R75

*** Adults R120

PLEASE WEAR A MASK! THEY ARE COMPULSORY and the only way we are able to continue dancing safely


LIMITED PRE-ENTRIES only. No tickets will be sold at the door.

VENUE: Sshhh its a secret! Venue to be released 24hrs prior to event. (In the Durban beachfront area somewhere). 

Come get groovy with us and #ShareTheJoy <3


Contact us on if you have any questions!


T's & C's apply

Disclaimer: Secret Sunrise will not be held liable for any loss, theft or damage to personal property.


Secret Sunrise Durban Onesieland
Venue in the caption
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