Saamstaan Fees - Kroondal, Rustenburg
Sat Oct 30, 09:00 - Sat Oct 30, 22:00
Cheers & Beers - Kroondal, Rustenburg
Gasspreker / Guest Speaker:
Mike Bolhuis
Ashton Wheeler
Bernè Hayes
Geraldene van Dyk
Evert Swart
Waaroor die fees gaan:
Die Saamstaan Fees se doelwit is om ons gemeenskap beveiligingsgroepe soos buurtwagte en plaaspatrolliegroete by te staan finansieël asook toerusting en opleiding aan te bied.
Hierdie gemeenskap beveiligingsgroepe is ons eie mense wat dit op hul self neem om weerstand te bied teen die oorweldigende misdaad in ons wyke. Jong mense, ou mense, mans, vrouens, almal durf die koue, die laat nagte en gevaar aan, dag na dag, nag na nag met min of geen ondersteuning.
Die Saamstaan Fees is jou geleentheid om te doen net wat die fees sê, om saam te staan en n verskil te maak met dit wat ons almal raak, waaroor ons almal praat, bekommerd is en nie n antwoord voor het nie, misdaad op ons voorstoep.
Die fees dien ook om van hierdie beveiligingsgroepe op een dag saam te kry onder die faandel van Saamstaan en idees uit te ruil, skouer te skuur met sprekers wat spesialiseer in die gebied van beveiliging, spesialis eenhede wat vertonings gaan uitvoer en uitstallings met die nuutste sekuriteits toerusting.
Dit gaan n feestelike dag wees met kunstenaars wat optree, vertonings wat gehou gaan word, uitstallings, allerlei stalletjies, heerlike kossoorte en n kontant kroeg.
Vir die kinders is daar n speelpark, springkasteel, gesigverf, perdry en vele meer.
What the festival is about:
The Saamstaan Fees' goal is to financially assist our community security groups such as neighborhood watches and farm patrol groups as well as provide equipment and training.
These community security groups are our own people who take it upon themselves to resist the overwhelming crime in our wards. Young people, old people, men, women, all dare the cold, the late nights and danger, day after day, night after night with little or no support.
The Saamstaan Fees is your opportunity to do just what the festival says, to stand together and make a difference with what affects us all, what we all talk about, are worried about and have no answer for, crime on our doorstep .
The festival also serves to get some of these security groups together in one day under the banner of Standing Together and exchanging ideas, shrugging shoulders with speakers specializing in the field of security, specialist units that will perform shows and exhibitions with the latest security equipment.
It will be a festive day with artists performing, performances to be held, exhibitions, all kinds of stalls, delicious food and a cash bar.
For the kids there is a playground, bouncy castle, face painting, horseback riding and many more.
Borge / Sponsors