IEASA POPIA Compliance Pack for Estate Agencies with POPIA Internal Awareness Session Webinar
Tue Jun 15, 10:00 - Tue Jun 15, 12:00
Event is online
IEASA is pleased to offer the POPIA Compliance Pack for Estate Agencies with POPIA Internal Awareness Session Webinar for Real Estate Agents, Interns and Employees to be held online on Tuesday 15 June 2021.
POPIA comes into full effect on the 1st of July 2021. IEASA is assisting the Real Estate Sector to become fully compliant and will be providing a Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) Compliance Pack for Agencies plus a POPIA internal awareness session webinar on 15 June 2021. The webinar will be conducted as prescribed in the provisions of POPIA. Each delegate will receive a POPIA internal awareness certificate of attendance from IEASA for 2 NV CPD for non-verifiable points in the professional category.
Host Annette Evans - IEASA General Manager
Presenter Koti Steynberg
• Summary of POPIA
• Compliance & Registrations?
• Who are the role players?
• How does it apply to Estate agents?
• Information Officers Role forward.
• Training on the POPIA Compliance Pack Included:
• Compliance Manual
• Compliance Forms
• Compliance clauses
Who will benefit from attending - Principals, estate agents, interns, HR, managers, trainers, administrators for rentals, sales and commercial, conveyancers, attorneys, bond originators, homeowner’s associations and trustees. This law affects the entire country as we are all data subjects and/or responsible parties.
Date 15 June 2021
Cost R300 - IEASA POPIA Compliance Pack with ONE FREE ticket to this webinar.
R30 - Agents / Interns / Employees
Principals / Managers:
Pay R300 to receive the full POPI Act compliance pack for your agency in editable format which will be emailed to you when you book and pay for this event. The full POPIA Compliance Pack includes the Compliance Manual, Compliance Forms and Compliance Clauses for Contracts and Mandates and Compliance letters PLUS ONE FREE TICKET to attend this Webinar. The POPIA Pack will be emailed out prior to the webinar (if paid for before midday 14 June 2021)
Agents / Interns / Employees
Additional tickets @ R30 are available for each agent, intern, any employee requiring a certificate of Compliance for POPIA Internal Awareness Session
Time 10am to 12pm
Bookings close midday 14 June 2021
Venue Online – link will be sent out the afternoon prior
CPD Points 2 NV CPD for non-verifiable points in the professional category
Certificate to state the delegate successfully completed the IEASA Compliance for POPIA Internal Awareness Session
For enquiries contact Lee-Ann via
Training will need to be done on an ongoing basis and this event will be repeated bi-monthly.
Click to book and pay via Quicket.
Take a look at IEASA website news page if you are wanting to purchase the IEASA POPIA pack -