Thursday Expressions

Thu Jun 17, 18:30 - Thu Dec 16, 19:30



#ThursdayExpressions is a drop-in movement meditation class facilitated by an Expressive Movement facilitator. In this hour-long class, the facilitator will guide you to follow your body’s way through an Expressive Movement Wave using a curated music selection. 


These weekly classes have been hosted since Expressive Movement’s conception in 2009 and are home to a growing community of dancers’ regular, movement meditation practice.


Join us online to dance in real time every Thursday at 6:30pm SAST/CET (4:30pm UTC / 5:30pm BST). All are welcome. No previous experience is needed. We were made to dance.

Classes are offered on a sliding scale. If the full fee is beyond what you can afford right now, feel free to select the reduced fee option. If you are in a position to select the "Pay it Forward" option, you will be helping us offer free or reduced spots to others. Please select according to what feels right for you at this time.


Class fee: R100 Full Fee | R60 Reduced Fee | R140 Pay it forward (Full Fee + Pay it Forward contribution).

Platform: Zoom (After registering, you'll receive an e-mail confirmation with the relevant login details, and streaming information.)

Please read through our guidelines designed to create both a safe and a welcoming space for all:


Preparation: Clear an open space, free of obstacles for you to move through safely for the duration of the class. You may like to light a candle, burn incense or do anything that supports you in demarcating this time for you. Less distractions allow you to be more present to yourself and your dance and so we encourage you to turn off your phones and any notifications on your computer before we start. 

Optimise your sound: The zoom room opens 10 minutes before to allow you to trouble-shoot any tech, to fine-tune your sound system to our music levels and to give you time to settle in before the class begins. 


Connection: Although many of us are dancing alone in our homes, it is important to remember that there is still a container holding us all. We remain connected even though we are not physically together. If you feel comfortable, keeping your video on helps you to stay connected to the group. If having your video on is distracting for you, and you feel more able to drop into your dance, with the camera off – feel free to do that too.

Inclusion:  Expressive Movement is a space for all bodies. If there is anything that is a barrier to you being able to fully participate in the classes, please be in touch with us about this. We are here to dance, no spectating please. The safety of our container relies on our mutual respect and care. 


To find out more about Expressive Movement, to meet your dance facilitators and to stay informed about other Expressive Movement offerings, visit our website and follow us on Instagram and Facebook. See you on the dance floor!

Please feel free to reach out if you have any thoughts, ideas or questions or would like to share more about your dance experiences.

Yours in community,

Thandi, Tommy, Lucy and Carly