Skermtyd en Ouerskap: Die 5 belangrikste dinge om te weet!

Thu Aug 26, 19:00 - Thu Aug 26, 20:00

Event is online


Hoe gemaak met skermtyd vir kinders?

  • Hoekom is dit belangrik om INGELIG te wees?
  • Wat is van die belangrikste GEVOLGE en GEVARE om ingedagte te hou?
  • Hoe pas jou ouerskapstyl aan of in by die DIGITALE ERA?
  • Wat om te OORWEEG tydens gesprekke met jou kinders.
  • Die 5 BELANGRIKSTE oorwegings.

"Research shows the average SOUTH AFRICAN school-going aged child spends around 45 FULL DAYS per year on screens (this is according to a Pre-covid 2018 study), while most studies indicate a SHARP INCREASE during and after the 2020 Covid pandemic and lockdown. 

While not all children may fall within these statistics, the fact is that DIGITAL MEDIA and SCREENS are increasingly part of our daily lives and will probably increase as time go on.

Equip yourself and your children with KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS by being proactive and attending this INFORMATIVE webinar."

KNOWLEDGE gives you the POWER to make the RIGHT CHOICES for YOUR family!

Koop jou kaartjie om te hoor wat die kenners sê!