OTASA Webinar: Paediatric Group therapy in Occupational Therapy - 15 September 2021

Wed Sep 15, 18:00 - Wed Sep 15, 20:30



Overview on Paediatric Group therapy in Occupational Therapy

Sharing knowledge and practical experience in doing group therapy for over 20 years.

Presented by Marié Greyling, Aliché Viljoen, Zelda Petzer and Ninette Visser


18h00 - 18h30: Marié Greyling

·        Short Theoretical background

·        Unique application of group work in Occupational Therapy 

·        Principles in group therapy (grading)

·        Frame of reference and Activity analysis

·        Ethical considerations

18h30 - 19h00: Aliché Viljoen

·        Planning of a group series

·        Brainstorming: theme, creativity, creative activity, structure)

·        Groups focussing on postural components, endurance and balance

·         Groups focussing on bilateral integration, midline crossing and eye movement

19h00 - 19h30: Zelda Petzer

·        Groups focussing on hand function, eye hand coordination and visio-motor integration

·        Groups focussing on visual perception

·        Feedback session

·        The assessment of work habits during group therapy

·        Additional information

19h30 - 20h00: Ninette Visser

·        Socio-emotional group therapy in occupational therapy

·        Benefit of group therapy

·        Group therapy ideas

·        Telehealth platform