Free Your Mind

Sun Apr 24, 12:00 - Sun Apr 24, 15:00

Conscious Healing Centre


“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” ~  Nelson Mandela
This being freedom month in South Africa, we’ll be using this workshop to explore how we can free our minds from the chains of fear that bind us and keep us from becoming our best selves.
Fear is useful for helping us to make decisions and take action when we are faced with real life threatening or difficult situations but it can sometimes work against us if the fear is not real but imagined. Our minds can sometimes play tricks on us by catastrophizing and imagining the worst possible scenarios to thoughts about challenges we face or about an uncertain future. By not learning how to calm our fearful minds we are unconsciously sabotaging ourselves from reaching our full potential.
In this workshop we will be exploring how the grip of fear can prevent us from thriving. We will explore where fear comes from, how fear can become an unconscious habit as well as the damaging effects that holding on to fear can have on our minds and bodies. We will talk about how we can replace fear-motivated behavior with love motivated behavior and I’ll be sharing simple mindfulness and breathing techniques that you can use in your everyday life when fearful thoughts arise.
I’ll be the first to admit that most of us will never be able get rid of fear completely but the least we can do is to learn how to loosen its suffocating grip on our lives!
This is for anyone who is requiring encouragement and support to make bold decisions and to walk fearlessly into the future. It’s also for those of you who would like to connect, learn and grow in a meaningful way with likeminded Jo’burgers.
This workshop is relaxed; we share stories and learn together. Most importantly, we will leave more empowered and ready to charge ahead and blossom into the leaders we were born to be.

Refreshments and light snacks will be served.


Free Your Mind
Conscious Healing Centre
19 Penguin Dr, Sandton, 2055, South Africa
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