The Philocaly Trail
Sun Jun 12, 07:00 - Sun Jun 12, 11:00
Northern Viewing Deck, Umhlanga Promenade
The Philocaly Trail was founded in 2019, in an effort to raise awareness of the KwaZulu-Natal’s’ pristine coastline while also addressing the threats our ocean is facing. The event sees participants donating money to marine conversation charities.
What sets Philocaly apart from other registered trails is that it is not a race to finish as it has no official clocked time – it is to enjoy the coastline, have a dip in the ocean or a snorkel and recognise the love that participants have for the coast, the ocean and everything in it.
On 12 June 2022, we hope to set a world record by having the highest number of participants undertaking a 12km beach walk for marine conservation from Umhlanga.
Beneficiaries: Breathe Ocean Conservation and Adopt-a-River
NPC Registration number 2021/589848/08
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