Family friendly

Stellenbosch University Homecoming Weekend 2022 | Universiteit Stellenbosch Tuiskomsnaweek 2022

Thu Sep 8, 08:00 - Sat Sep 10, 23:00

Alumni Clubhouse at Die Stal, Coetzenburg, Stellenbosch


Stellenbosch University Homecoming Weekend 2022

Our Maties Homecoming weekend for alumni will be taking place from Thursday, 8 September to Saturday, 10 September 2022 on our picturesque Stellenbosch campus. After two years of lockdown, this year’s event promises to be one for the books. 

As usual, we have planned various tailormade events for our alumni. This is your chance to reconnect with old friends, relive your student days and participate in a range of fun and exciting activities. 

Expect networking events; campus tours; a business breakfast; sporting activities and socials. No fewer than 11 residences will also host birthday reunions over the weekend, and eight first-year reunion groups will be returning to campus. 

Have you met your year-group champion? You would have received an email invitation by now. If not, email us at and we'll make sure that you're on the list. The champions have been hard at work bringing Maties of each year group together to celebrate Homecoming.

Visit for more information about the events taking place over the Maties Homecoming Weekend or if you would like to take part in the SWAN Golf Day.

Do not miss out! Your alma mater is preparing to roll out the maroon carpet for our biggest Homecoming to date. 

Universiteit Stellenbosch Tuiskomsnaweek 2022 


Ons Maties Tuiskomsnaweek vir alumni vind van Donderdag, 8 September tot Saterdag, 10 September 2022 op ons prentjiemooi Stellenboschkampus plaas. Ná twee jaar van inperking beloof vanjaar se geleentheid om iets besonders te wees. 

Ons beplan soos gewoonlik verskeie geleenthede spesiaal vir ons alumni. Dís jou kans om jou bande met ou vriende te verstewig, jou studentedae te herleef en aan ’n klomp prettige en opwindende aktiwiteite deel te neem. 

Verwag netwerkgeleenthede; kampustoere; ’n sakeontbyt; sportaktiwiteite en baie kuier en gesels. Boonop bied 11 koshuise gedurende die naweek verjaardagreünies aan en keer agt eerstejaarreüniegroepe terug kampus toe. 

Het jy al met jou jaargroepkoördineerder kennis gemaak? Jy moes teen dié tyd al ’n e-posuitnodiging ontvang het. Indien nie, e-pos ons by en ons sal sorg dat jy op die lys is. Die koördineerders is hard aan die werk om Maties uit elke jaargroep byeen te bring om Tuiskoms te vier.

Besoek vir meer inligting oor Tuiskomsnaweek en die SWAN Golfdag.

Moenie dit misloop nie! Jou alma mater maak gereed om die maroen tapyt vir ons grootste Tuiskoms tot nog toe uit te rol. 


Bergpad: run, walk | 10 September 2022 | Stellenbosch Mountain

Come fill your lungs with fresh air and stretch those legs. The festivities continue with a walk, run up breath-taking Stellenbosch Mountain from 08:00 to 10:30.

Not superfit? Don’t worry, we will be accommodating all fitness levels, so bring your friends and family, and enjoy fantastic views of the town.

Refreshments will be served afterwards at the Alumni Clubhouse at Die Stal, Coetzenburg

Start & Finish: Alumni Clubhouse at Die Stal, Coetzenburg, Stellenbosch

Route: Stellenbosch Mountain

Run / Walk Route - 5km x multiple loops

08:00 Group 1 - Runners & Walkers

Cost: R50 | R70 at the gate

Bergpad: hardloop, stap | 10 September 2022 | Stellenboschberg

Kom vul jou longe met vars lug en kom aan die gang. Die feesviering gaan voor wanneer ons van 08:00 tot 10:30- die asemrowende Stellenboschberg te voet, op ’n drafstap aanpak.

Nie superfiks nie? Moenie bekommer nie, ons maak vir alle fiksheidvlakke voorsiening, so bring jou vriende en familie, en kom geniet die pragtige uitsig oor die dorp.

Verversings word ná die tyd in die Alumni-klubhuis by Die Stal bedien. 

Begin & eindpunt: Alumni-klubhuis by die Stal, Coetzenburg, Stellenbosch

Roete: Stellenboschberg

Hardloop- / Staproete - 5km x verskeie spoorlusse

08:00 Groep 1 - Drawwers & Stappers

Koste: R50 | R70 by die hek


Business Breakfast (Friday 9th September 8am-11am) R250

A standing buffet breakfast at the world-class Adam Small Theatre Complex followed by a lively panel discussion under the theme: “Bull or Bear? Leaders’ views on the future of South Africa’s economy”.

Speakers include: South African Financial and Fiscal Commission chair Dr Patience Nombeko Mbava, Artscape Chief Executive Officer Dr Marlene le Roux and Simon Susman, Chairman of Conservation South Africa, President of Intercontinental Group of Department Stores, Board member of five companies and Chairman of Woolworths Holdings Ltd, will share their insights. Dr Morné Mostert, Strategic Foresight Advisor and former Director of our Institute for Futures Research, will serve as moderator of what is bound to be a highly informative discussion in light of the current challenges and opportunities in both the South African and global economy.

The event will be hosted in partnership with the Stellenbosch Business School.

Cost: R250 | No ticket sales at the door 

Sakeontbyt (Vrydag 9 September 08:00 - 11:00) R250

Ons bedien 'n buffet-ontbyt by die wêreldklas Adam Small-teaterkompleks op Stellenbosch gevolg deur 'n lewendige paneelbespreking met die tema: “Bul of beer? Leiers se sienings oor die toekoms van die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie”. 

Toonaangewende denkers soos dr Patience Nombeko Mbava (voorsitter van die Suid-Afrikaanse Finansiële en Fiskale Kommissie), dr Marlene le Roux (uitvoerende hoof van Artscape) en Simon Susman, voorsitter van Conservation South Africa, president van Intercontinental Group of Department Stores, raadslid van vyf maatskappye en voorsitter van Woolworths Holdings Bpk, sal gedagtes uitruil. Dr Morné Mostert, die voormalige direkteur van ons Instituut vir Toekomsnavorsing, sal as moderator optree van wat beloof om ’n hoogs insiggewende gesprek te wees in die lig van die huidige uitdagings en geleenthede in sowel die Suid-Afrikaanse as die wêreldekonomie. 

Hierdie geleentheid word aangebied in samewerking met ons Stellenbosch Bestuurskool.

Koste: R250 | Geen kaartjieverkope by die deur nie


Campus Tours | 9 &10 September 2022 | Stellenbosch University Campus

How much has changed, and how much is still the same?

Come and see for yourself. We’ll be offering two campus tour options throughout Homecoming weekend, which will depart from the Alumni Clubhouse at Die Stal, Coetzenburg, Stellenbosch at set times.  

Friday 9 September 

10:00 - 11:00

12:00 - 13:00

14:00 - 15:00   

Saturday 10 September 

10:00 - 11:00

12:00 - 13:00

14:00 - 15:00  

Option 1: An one-hour walking tour of the Stellenbosch campus led by our very own ambassadors from the Alumni Office. Groups of ten or fewer. 

Option 2: An one-hour walking tour of the visual redress initiatives on campus led by our Social Impact & Transformation Office. Groups of ten or fewer.   Remember to wear comfortable shoes. 

Cost: Free (maximum 2 tickets p.p.) 

Kampustoere | 9 &10 September 2022 | Universiteit Stellenbosch-kampus 

Wat het verander, en wat het nie?

Kom kyk self. Ons bied die hele Tuiskomsnaweek deur twee kampustoeropsies aan wat op vasgestelde tye vanaf Alumni-klubhuis by Die Stal, Coetzenburg, Stellenbosch sal vertrek.

Vrydag 9 September 

10:00 - 11:00  

12:00 - 13:00

14:00 - 15:00   

Saterdag 10 September  

10:00 - 11:00 

12:00 - 13:00

14:00 - 15:00   

Opsie 1: ’n Uur lange staptoer deur die kampus onder leiding van ons eie ambassadeurs van die Alumnikantoor. Groepe van tien of minder.   

Opsie 2: ’n Uur lange staptoer na die verskillende inisiatiewe vir visuele regstelling op kampus onder leiding van ons Sosiale Impak & Transformasiekantoor. Groepe van tien of minder.   

Onthou om gemaklike skoene te dra. 

Koste: Gratis (Maksimum twee kaartjes p.p.)



Maties Soirée | 9 September 2022| Alumni Clubhouse, Die Stal 

Close your eyes and imagine spring in the Boland, the smells of food wafting through the air, and the very best company … now gather your friends and make that vision a reality. 

On Friday, 9 September at 14:00 we’ll be hosting a Maties Soirée at the Alumni Clubhouse at Die Stal. We have teamed up with nine wine farms (Anthonij Rupert Wines; Cederberg; De Grendel; La Motte; Leopard's Leap; Marras; Paul Cluver; Saronsberg and Tokara) and our winemaking alumni to present a tasting of their finest produce. For those preferring something non-alcoholic, The Raw Berry Press will be on hand to serve up some of their top quality cold-pressed juices. 

While you mingle with both familiar and new faces, we’ll treat you to an evening of first-class entertainment. Also feel free to browse through a treasure trove of memories at our Maties Memories exhibition. 

Cost: R150 | R170 at the door 

Maties Soirée | 9 September 2022| Alumni Klubhuis, Die Stal

Maak jou oë toe en verbeel jou die Bolandse lente, heerlike kosgeure in die lug, en net die beste geselskap ... kry nou jou vriende bymekaar en maak daardie verbeeldingsvlug ’n realiteit. 

Ons bied op Vrydag, 9 September om 14:00  ’n Maties Soirée by die Alumni-klubhuis by Die Stal aan. In samewerking met nege wynplase (Anthonij Rupert Wyne; Cederberg; De Grendel; La Motte; Leopard's Leap; Marras; Paul Cluver; Saronsberg en Tokara) en ons wynmaker-alumni bied ons ’n proesessie van hulle beste wyne aan. Vir diegene wat iets nie-alkoholies verkies, sal The Raw Berry Press ook daar wees om van hulle uithaler- koudgeperste sappe te bedien.  

Terwyl jy met sowel bekende as nuwe gesigte kuier, bederf ons jou met ’n aand van eersterangse musiek. Snuffel ook gerus deur ’n skatkis van herinneringe by ons Maties Herinneringe-uitstalling. 

Koste: R150 | R170 by die deur


1st Year Decade Reunion Luncheon | 10 September 2022 | Coetzenburg

Calling all first-years from 1972, 1982; 1992; 2002 and 2012, and to compensate for Covid-19, those from 1971, 1981; 1991; 2001 and 2011 too! As part of the Homecoming celebrations, we will be hosting first-year reunions for these cohorts.

Iconic First Year Photo

All our first-year groups will meet up at the Danie Craven Stadium on Saturday, 10 September at 11:30. Do make sure you’re picture-perfect, as our photographer will be ready to take one big group photo.

After the group photo, please make your way to the Alumni Clubhouse at Die Stal, Coetzenburg for the 1st Year Decade Reunion Luncheon at 12:30.

Cost: R300 | No ticket sales at the door

1ste Jaar Dekade Reünie Middagete | 10 September 2022 | Coetzenburg

Aandag alle eerstejaars van 1972, 1982; 1992; 2002 en 2012, en om vir Covid-19 op te maak, sommer ook dié van 1971,1981; 1991; 2001 en 2011! As deel van die Tuiskomsvieringe, bied ons graag eerstejaarreünies vir hierdie groepe aan.


Ikoniese Eerstejaar Foto

Ons eerstejaargroepe kom almal op Saterdag, 10 September om 11:30 by die Danie Craven Stadion bymekaar. Maak seker jy’s fotofiks, want ons fotograaf sal daar wees om die hele groep op kamera vas te lê. 

Na die groepfoto, loop gerus na die Alumni-klubhuis by Die Stal, Coetzenburg vir die 1ste Jaar Dekade Reünie Middagete om 12:30.

Koste: R300 | Geen kaartjieverkope by die deur nie.


Stellenbosch University Homecoming Weekend 2022 | Universiteit Stellenbosch Tuiskomsnaweek 2022
Alumni Clubhouse at Die Stal, Coetzenburg, Stellenbosch
3V6F+J5 Stellenbosch, South Africa
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