Culture Matters
Fri Sep 30, 08:00 - Fri Sep 30, 17:00
Johannesburg Sandton - Venue address given to confirmed attendees
I am super excited to announce this event! Further details about me are available at;
Who should attend? Managers, Leaders, HR, transformation heads and DEI Champions in Corporate, Government and Education Sectors;
- If you Looking to improve the effectiveness of your team?
- If you want to improve your own effectiveness when working with diversity?
Diversity is Distracting! The more diversity you have on a team the greater chance there is for distrust between team members or customers, more communication barriers, and no clear understanding how to deal with conflict. Participants will be provided with with a framework for handling intercultural differences and illustrates how different cultures perceive the world.
Cultural Values Profile: The Cultural Values Profile measures an individual’s personal cultural value orientations and provides them a mapping of their preferences on 10 cultural values:
- Individualism vs. Collectivism
- Low vs. High Power Distance
- Low vs. High Uncertainty Avoidance
- Cooperative vs. Competitive
- Short Term vs. Long Term
- Direct vs. Indirect
- Being vs. Doing
- Universalism vs. Particularism
- Non-Expressive vs. Expressive
- Linear vs. Non-Linear
Participant Feedback Reports include:
- Personal Preferences on the 10 cultural values
- Cultural Clusters
- Personal Action Plan
- Tips for working with people on both ends of the value continuum
Event Ticket Price includes:
ü Cultural Values Assessment and Feedback Report.
ü Digital Badge (upon completion)
ü Digital Credential (upon completion)
ü Conference package including venue hire, notepads and pens, refreshment breaks and lunch.