No under 18s

Sommeliers Association of Zimbabwe membership 2024

Wed Jul 31, 12:00 - Wed Jul 31, 15:00

Event is online


The Sommeliers Association of Zimbabwe relies on its member's membership fees to offer education, exams, contests, and support to its members. You need to pay your membership by the end of July 2024, then we will have a general assembly.

The Sommeliers Association of Zimbabwe is a Common Law Universitas recognized by the Constitution of the Republic of Zimbabwe. It was founded on the 1st of April 2020. It is a permanent member of the Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (

SAZ has strong membership support in South Africa, this is why we use Quicket for our local members and supporters, but it can help our Diaspora to access a reliable banking system.

SAZ is offering international certification with the ASI Diploma, ASI Certification 1 & 2. SAZ is sending a representative to the Best Sommelier of the World contest, and the Best Sommelier of Europe & Africa contest, every three years. SAZ organizes the Best Sommelier of Zimbabwe contest every two years.

You can pay for your membership using this Quicket platform. Follow us on social media @zimsomms

If you need an invoice or prefer to pay directly into our bank account, email us at [email protected]

Professional or Supporter Membership is 10 USD ( R200 )

Once you have processed your transaction, inform us at [email protected] so we can allocate your donation or your membership fee.

Thank you for supporting Zimsomms, in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Our bylaws are available on request.