Love relationships 101 - a talk with Dr Helgo Schomer & Dr Caryn Schomer

Tue Oct 18, 18:00 - Tue Oct 18, 21:00

cafe Roux, The Noordhoek Farm Village


Tickets : R150.

Arrive from 6pm. Talk starts at 7:30pm.


The “how to” of successful bonding and being in relationships.

Renowned “Radio Shrink” from Cape Talk, Dr Helgo Schomer and his wife Caryn will be spending an evening with us looking at the”how to” of successful bonding and being in relationship. Sharing knowledge & advice that has stood the test of time.

Evidence-based stuff, sometimes uncomfortable stuff, sometimes stuff that’s as easy as pie. We all know how complex, complicated, and downright difficult relationships can be, but like Timothy Lane & Paul Tripp said, "a mess worth making”.

They will throw in their own lived experiences of a woman & a man who have struggled and come out the other side alive and kicking ... and have found each other.


Love relationships 101 - a talk with Dr Helgo Schomer & Dr Caryn Schomer
cafe Roux, The Noordhoek Farm Village
Chapmans Peak Dr, Noordhoek, Cape Town, 7979
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