Family friendly


Thu Dec 7, 18:00 - Sun Dec 17, 20:00

Zip Zap Dome


Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled encore as Zip Zap Circus proudly presents the highly-anticipated return of VOOMA!, a heart-pounding celebration of circus, set to light up the Zip Zap Dome adjacent to the Artscape Theatre. Mark your calendars from 7th to 17th December 2023, as VOOMA! hits the stage with a fresh lineup of acts which are sure to thrill the entire family. VOOMA! promises an immersive journey into a world of trapeze, acrobatics, juggling, and uproarious comedy.

This remarkable young ensemble features emerging talents who have honed their craft through Zip Zap's advanced student Zappers and Dare2Dream programmes. Zip Zap’s 10 social circus programmes are offered free of charge to all participants and have been giving future circus stars a home for over 30 years.


What time do doors open? Doors will open 45 minutes before the show. Can I bring my own food and drinks? No outside food or drinks will be allowed. Snacks and drinks will be available for sale, they are chips, soft-drinks, hotdogs and samoosas. All are halaal.What payment options will you have available? This will be a cash-free event, with payment options being Snapscan or debit/credit card. Can I reserve my seat(s)? Unfortunately not, seats be allocated on a first come first serve basis.  Is there safe and secure parking? While there is ample parking right outside the venue, and we will do our very best to ensure the car park remains safe, please ensure doors are locked and belongings are hidden out of sight. Do children under 4 years of age have to pay? No. Children under 4 years of age do not have to pay to attend the show. 


1. Terms & Conditions 1.1 The Terms of Use for Quicket are applicable for all orders and use of their website

2. Refunds policy: 2.1 No refunds shall be permitted should Zip Zap postpone the show for any reason whatsoever. Every ticket buyer will be contacted directly with a Google Form to be given the opportunity to select 'donation' or 'defer to next show'. It will remain the responsibility of the ticket buyer to complete the Google Form within 5 days of receiving. Failure to do so will result in the ticket buyer(s) purchase(s) to be considered as a donation to Zip Zap. 2.2 No refunds or deferrals will be permitted should the ticket buyer no longer want to attend the show.

3. Privacy Policy: 3.1 Zip Zap will take reasonable measures to protect all data provided by you.3.2 Zip Zap will ensure that your data is not used for any other purpose, or shared with any Third Party, unless written consent is provided by you.3.3 We are entitled to use or disclose your personal information if such use or disclosure is required to comply with any applicable law, subpoena, order of court or legal process served on us, or to protect and defend our rights or property. In the event of a fraudulent online payment, Zip Zap is entitled to disclose relevant personal information for criminal investigation purposes or in line with any other legal obligation for disclosure of the personal information which may be required of it.3.4 Zip Zap undertakes to never sell or make your personal information available to any third party other than as provided for in these terms and conditions.

4. By entering the premises, all guests agree that they may be filmed/photographed as part of promotional content for VOOMA and The Zip Zap Circus.

5. By entering the premises, guests are aware that the VOOMA show uses strobe lights in the show which could be sensitive to viewers.

6. By entering the premises and attending the VOOMA show, guests are aware that there is loud music and can be sensitive. Parents are able to bring earmuffs for small kids.