Cantrel ft Jacques Moolman & George van der Spuy LIVE ath the Armchair Theatre

Fri Nov 11, 17:00 - Sat Nov 12, 01:00

the Armchair Theatre


CANTREL (Neil Breytenbach (Keyboardist Prime Circle and his son Jesse Breytenbach)

…….blends styles together such as Alternative, Rock, Pop & Hip Hop. 

Jacques Moolman (Frontman Shadowclub)

…..traverses multiple genres from blues and country to heartfelt folk with an Americana edge to it.

George van der Spuy (Frontman Taxi Violence)

………join George van der Spuy for his per first performance as GVDS, 

where he will be showcasing some of his original acoustic material, combined with songs that might be more familiar to you.


Cantrel ft Jacques Moolman & George van der Spuy LIVE ath the Armchair Theatre
the Armchair Theatre
135 Lower Main Rd, Observatory, Cape Town, 7925
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