Healing Services with David Hogan

Mon Aug 29, 19:00 - Wed Aug 31, 22:00

Lewende Woord Durbanville


We are living in a time where sons and daughters are being raised up to walk in the power of the living God, like never before. Come and join us as David Hogan (Freedom Ministries, Mexico) shares stories and testimonies of the resurrection power of God! 

Lewende Woord Durbanville will be hosting David Hogan from 29 – 31 August 2016 in Cape Town.

We will be hosting the following sessions with David:

Morning Healing Teaching Sessions: (Free entrance)
- Tuesday 30 August from 10:00 – 12:00 
- Wednesday 31 August from 10:00 – 12:00 

Evening Healing Nights: (R10 entrance fee per person, per night)
- Monday 29 August from 19:00 – 22:00 
- Tuesday 30 August from 19:00 – 22:00 
- Wednesday 31 August from 19:00 – 22:00 

Who is David Hogan?

David Hogan was born and raised in North Louisiana, USA. His family, for generations before him, were men of God who all preached the Gospel. After being around the Gospel for many years, he rebelled against hypocrisy and God, and lived a hard life with drinking, gangs and violence. David and his wife, Debbie, married in 1971 in Louisiana. While he was working in the oil field, Debbie received salvation and began praying with David’s parents for his salvation. While on an airplane to the oil field in Alaska, David received a direct challenge from God to be a man who seeks after Him and who would walk in the full power of God. David accepted Jesus as his Saviour and immediately returned on the next flight. Together David and Debbie felt God calling them to move to Mexico after visiting the country in 1977 on a mission trip. David has a very powerful ministry, and regularly sees amazing signs, wonders and miracles as they minister to the many unreached people groups in the country. 

These events are open to all members of the public. Entrance is R10 for all evening sessions and free for morning sessions, make sure to arrive a few minutes early to buy a coffee and take your seat.

For more information about David’s ministry, read here: 

We hope to see you there, come with a big expectation! 

For more information, please contact Lewende Woord Durbanville at 021 981 0632 or 



29 - 31 August 2016
Lewende Woord Durbanville,
Cape Gate Decor Centre,
Monday: 19:00 - 22:00 (R10 per ticket)
Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00 (Free ticket)  & 19:00 - 22:00 (R10 per ticket)
Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00 (Free ticket) & 19:00 - 22:00 (R10 per ticket)


Healing Services with David Hogan
Lewende Woord Durbanville
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