The Body-Mind Paradigm in Health and Ill-health
Wed Feb 22, 19:00 - Wed Feb 22, 20:30
PATH to Health Centre
This share-talk explores the dynamic continuum between the body and the psyche that provides the equilibrium we call health or the disequilibrium we call ill-health. Understanding the nature and laws of the psyche and the body provides the blue print for supporting the health of both.
Dr. Raoul Goldberg qualified from Wits Medical school and was inspired to further understand the whole human beyond body. He spent seven years in Switzerland training in Integrative Medical Clinics. He has remained a life-long student studying Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Nutrition and Botanical medicine, Anthroposophical and Functional Medicine. He studied with some of Rudolph Steiners’ pupils in Europe in his medical speciality training. In 2021 Dr Goldberg completed his Phd in Transpersonal Psychology at the California Institute for Integral Studies. Dr. Goldberg has authored articles for multiple health journals and has published books on addictive behavior in children and adolescents and holistic human development. He is an active medical doctor at Path to Health Centre in Cape Town and supports patients through telemedicine worldwide. and