NWU PUK-Koor - NWU PUK-Choir
Tue Dec 6, 19:00 - Tue Dec 6, 21:00
HS Jan van Riebeeck - Skoolsaal
Die NWU PUK-Koor is in 1955 gestig en sedert 2012 is die koor onder die inspirerende leiding van Kobus Venter.
Die oorhoofse oogmerk van die koor is tweeledig, naamlik om die breë saak van goeie koormusiek te dien, en om studente die geleentheid te gee om hul talente uit te leef en daarom tree die NWU PUK – Koor gereeld op by ’n verskeidenheid geleenthede
Verskeie radio- klankopnames en TV – opnames is deur die koor gemaak wat dikwels uitgesaai word asook natuurlik ’n reeks CD’s. Behalwe die gewone jaarprogram van die koor neem die koor gereeld deel aan die uitvoering van groter werke saam met die NWU simfonie-orkes, en vir die Aardklop Nasionale Kunstefees lewer die NWU PUK – Koor gereeld die feesafsluitingskonsert, wat gewoonlik groot koorwerke met orkes en soliste behels.
In 2017 toer die koor weer na Europa en neem deel aan Der Internationale Chorwettbewerb in Spittal an der Drau (Oostenryk) waar hulle onder andere die gesogte Publikumspreis toegeken word as die publiek se gunsteling-koor.
Die koor het in 2014 en 2018 tydens die Wêreldkoorspele in Riga, Letland en Tshwane, Suid-Afrika telkens twee goue medaljes verower. Tydens Aardklop van 2014 voer die koor saam met die NWU-PUK Simfonie orkes die Suid-Afrikaanse premiér van Dan Forrest se Requiem for the living uit.
Gedurende 2019 toer die koor na Europa en tree hulle as wenners van die Prague Advent and Christmas choral festival with Petr Eben´s prize uit en wen verskeie pryse by die International festival of Advent and Christmas music in Bratislava.
Die NWU PUK – Koor is ’n koor wat poog om werklik musiek te maak – om goed te sing ja, maar veral die inhoud, hart, aan die musiek te gee. Dáármee word almal saamgebind, ontroer en word menswees en die gawe van musiek gedien. Viva Musica!
The University Choir was founded in 1955, and since 2012 the choir has been under the inspired direction of Kobus Venter.
The overarching aim of the choir is threefold, namely to serve the broad cause of good choral music, to give students the opportunity to hone their talents and develop as balanced people, and to inspire the sense of God’s proximity.
People have an innate need for music – therefore the PUK-Choir regularly performs at different types of events: formal concerts, informal performances, weddings, funerals, festivals, competitions, ceremonial events, church services, etcetera.
The choir annually undertakes a concert tour in the RSA during the month of July or November, and concert tours abroad every three years.
The main aims of the tours are the forging of cultural ties, the introduction of South African as well as traditional music in foreign countries, and the broadening of our students’ horizons in relation to other cultures and art.
Various sound as well as television recordings have been made by the choir, and these are often broadcast. Over the years numerous recordings have been made for the SABC, as well as regular recordings for CD’s. Nine CDs have already been released. Libera Mé has won the SAMA-prize for best SA Choir Recording, and Kyrie won the Geraas-award for best Choral Album. In 2014 the choir won two gold medals at the World Choir Games in Riga, Latvia and two more in 2018 in Tshwane. The choir was awarded the sought after Publikumspreis at the 54th International Competition of Choral Singing in Spittal an der Drau in 2017. In 2019 they were the winners of the Prague Advent and Christmas Choral Festival with Eben’s Prize.
The PUK-Choir is a choir that strives to make good music – to sing well goes without saying, but the core is to give heart, content, to the music. In this way music binds us together, moves us, and is our humanity and music served. Viva Musica!