Nianell - Coming Back to Life (Live @ Die Centurion Teater)
Fri Mar 3, 19:30 - Fri Mar 3, 21:00
Die Centurion Teater
Nianell LIVE @ Die Centurion Teater!
Die multi-bekroonde ikoon en legendariese stem kom sing liedjies vanaf haar nuwe album, asook ou gunstelinge. Kom sit, onstspan en word vervoer deur die magiese klanke van haar stem wat soos warm water oor jou spoel. Nog meer spesiaal en treffer in die pragtige en intieme spasie van die Centurion Teater, is hierdie vertoning nie een om mis te loop nie.
Meer oor die nuwe album:
Sound Oracle Nianell is back with her highly anticipated new album titled Coming Back
To Life. This new offering is a full circle moment for this magical and mystical singer-songwriter from Namibia.
She recorded the project with Mauritz Lotz, the same producer who was responsible for her platinum debut album Who Painted The Moon? Each song was carefully crafted and poetically nurtured in order to take her listeners on an inward journey through song, sound and stories. With every note from her grand piano and with every hauntingly beautiful lyric from her pen, it really comes as no surprise that Nianell has been captivating hearts and enchanting audiences from around the world for more than two decades.
Songs such as Coming Back To Life captivates the art of letting go and the pure essence of
rising like a phoenix from the ashes, where Like Air feels like floating from a parallel
universe and gasping for air on every plane of existence. Wake Me Up is a blend of folk
melodies and offers a distinctive touch of Enya that takes your mind on a mesmerizing
journey to the island of Ireland, where In The Light of The Day feels like a Celtic
meditation and deep spiritual connection with the Creator of All That Is. Love Wins
sounds like a theme song to an Oscar-Award winning movie and showcases the essence of
Nianell's angelic voice that made her a mainstay in the hearts and souls of her devoted