Family friendly

Social media law for kids - Emma Sadleir 2023

Tue Feb 7, 07:00 - Tue Feb 28, 07:00

Event is online


In this webinar Emma speaks to kids specifically between Grade 6 and 8 and covers the following:

• the social media landscape in South Africa including current trends and key issues 

• the apps – the good, the bad and the ugly 

• the age of legal capacity – both criminal and civil 

• the legal considerations of using social media including legislation, case law and real world examples - covering defamation, privacy, hate speech, fake news, crimen injuria, harassment, intellectual property, data protection, fraud, incitement and image-based violence • cyberbullying and how to deal with it     

• cancel culture – what does the law say? 

• sexting and pornography offences   

• the disciplinary consequences of using social media  

• personal reputation management on social media (the extent to which your online content could compromise potential scholarships, admission to university and future employment) • privacy in a public world 

• practising good digital citizenship and good digital hygiene including password management 

• Stranger danger, catfishing, predators and online safety 

• Simple and practical tips to protect yourself in the online world  

• The permanence of the internet and the tattoo effect of digital content 

• How not to be responsible for other people’s content 

• Fake News     

• Emotional health, depression, anxiety, addiction and sleep