KZN Philharmonic Orchestra Summer Symphony Season Concert 4
Thu Mar 23, 19:00 - Thu Mar 23, 21:30
Playhouse Opera Theatre
Concert 4 - 23 March 2023, 19h00.
Playhouse Opera Theatre
Conductor: Daniel Boico
Soloist: Luis Magalhaes, piano
Choirs: Clermont Choir & Joyful Sounds
Beethoven: Fidelio Overture
Beethoven: Concerto for Piano No. 6 in D Major
Bessey: iNkosi uShaka: Umbono, Isizwe, Isiphetho (King Shaka: A Vision, A Nation, A Destiny)
Beethoven's only opera, Fidelio, underwent numerous revisions before the composer arrived at the final version we know today. The overture to the opera underwent even greater transformations. All of them popular in the concert hall, the first three are called Leonore (Nos.1, 2 and 3), after the original title of the opera, and the fourth is known as Fidelio, Beethoven's final title. As can be heard here, the latter piece makes a wonderful curtain raiser, superbly crafted, tautly constructed, and pulling a great punch in its dramatic impact.
In 1807 Muzio Clementi acquired the English publishing rights for six of Beethoven’s works, including his recently composed violin concerto. Clementi asked Beethoven to arrange it for piano, thinking that it would maximise the commercial potential of the publication. Beethoven complied with this request. In February 1816, its manuscript was presented by Beethoven himself to Charles Neate, English pianist and one of the founders of the Philharmonic Society in London. After a succession of private and public sales, it was bequeathed to the British Museum Library (predecessor of the British Library) in 1953. It has come to be known during its infrequent public outings as the composer’s Piano Concerto no 6.
Of special note after intermission is the much anticipated world premiere performance SA composer Warren Bessey’s latest magnum opus: iNkosi uShaka: Umbono, Isizwe, Isiphetho (King Shaka: A Vision, A Nation, A Destiny).Conceived on the grandest of scales, this monumental work for vocal soloists, chorus and orchestra, forms a proud new edition to the growing symphonic literature dedicated to the proud heritage of the Zulu Nation, and as its title indicates, centres around the iconic historic person of the mighty warrior King Shaka, also embracing a coterie of other historic figures such as the beautiful Queen Nandi, Shaka’s adored mother.
The Summer Season opens on Thursday 2 March and runs until 23 March, with concerts taking place every Thursday evening, at 19h00 at the Playhouse Opera Theatre.
Off Street parking is available at the Royal Hotel.
The Royal Hotel Coffee Shop is open for light snacks and dinner from 17h00.
Regrettably, no under-3's.