Family friendly

Read-Ready Kiddo: What Your Child Needs to Know About Reading Before Grade 1

Thu Feb 23, 19:00 - Thu Feb 23, 20:00

Event is online


You are the most important person in your child's life, and you can make a massive difference in how well he reads one day, in ten minutes per day!

The biggest mistake you CAN make, is to think your toddler is too young to learn about reading. Just like your baby listened to you for two years before she began talking, your kiddo needs a rich assortment of experiences with books before she can learn to read.

Reading is a complex activity where your child deciphers a code, and then have to make sense of what it says. Research shows again and again that when a kiddo starts school with strong pre-literacy skills, he achieves good marks in later grades.

If your kiddo is younger than six, you still have time to develop her pre-literacy skills before she goes to school. Pre-literacy skills prepare your child for reading, just like vitamins boost her immune system.

Al you need is ten minutes per day, and some guidance.

Join us, Lize van der Merwe and Bryn MacArthur, for this one hour long, live zoom talk and get tips on how to develop your child's pre-literacy skills, straight from the speech therapists' mouthes.

At the end of the hour long talk you will

  1. be able to explain what pre-literacy skills are
  2. know how to develop her pre-literacy skills
  3. have a list of online resources you can use
  4. know what the next step in the journey is

Who is Lize?

Lize is a mother of three. She is also a speech language therapist and qualified teacher who has helped hundreds of mothers develop the language and literacy of their children, without leaving their homes! Lize believes with all heart that you are the best person to help your child. She is passionate about showing you how. 

Who is Bryn?

Bryn is a young speech therapist from UCT. She has worked closely with children, and has a passion for school based therapy. Bryn believes in empowering parents to be more equipped to support their child in their language and literacy journey.