Rhythm Inc.

Wed Mar 22, 18:00 - Wed Mar 22, 21:30

Cafe Roux


Arrive from 6pm for pre-drinks and supper. 

Show starts at 7:30pm

Tickets @ R180 do not include dinner

Rhythm Inc. is a young funk/rock band, taking you through time, from the 50s all the way to the 2010s. With numbers from artists such as Stevie Wonder, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, The Arctic Monkeys, and many more! 

Rhythm Inc. consists of four members: Lead guitarist Conor McCullagh, son of McCully Workshop’s Mike McCullagh, lead singer Joshua Knight, bassist Mathew Heitor and twin brother on drums Gabriel Heitor. 

They’ve previously opened for two of Mike’s sold-out shows at Cafe Roux to critical acclaim!