Family friendly


Sat Mar 4, 14:00 - Sat Mar 4, 21:00

Namaskar Wellness Hub



We invite you to join us in community for a very special, half-day Self activation retreat!

On this day we will create a sacred, safe and closed group container to facilitate and guide you on a journey through an experience designed to activate the connection to the medicine that lives within YOU! 

Guided by a three-phase offering of the medicines of yoga, dance, and sound, this day is an opportunity to move beyond the mind, tap into the realm of the heart, and embody your very own natural state of freedom, expression and wholeness. 

Event details:

When: Saturday, 4 March 2023 

Where: Namaskar Wellness Hub, Fourways

Time: 2pm - 9pm 

Dress: comfortable clothes you can move in.

Bring : yoga mat, water bottle, blanket, pillow, something warm to wear.

Available extras:

Cacao, tea, coffee, water, and soft drinks will be on sale at Namaskar.

Dinner will also be available, by pre-order only. Kindly contact @Tonia to reserve your plate.


*NB! As this is a sacred journey that we will take together as a group, for the mutual benefit, honour and respect of everyone present, no one will be permitted to join once the container has been opened and the experience has begun. We encourage you to treat and honour yourself and your journey by arriving well on time in order to gain the most benefit from the day.


We are excited to share in this beautiful, groovy and integrative experience with you!!

Love from Tonia, Danyal and Denzil


Yoga Flow:
Begin the journey of the day warming up with a gentle, heart opening yoga sequence, as we land in the body and the heart, and start to naturally connect with the wonderful magic of movement, breath and flow.
Expressive Movement:  This is an awake and active movement meditation and dynamic dance practice. The emphasis is on the conscious embodiment and authentic expression of what is emerging in the present moment and letting go of what no longer useful. It is a practice of getting out of our heads and into our bodies to awaken to the wisdom that resides there.  

The experience is gently guided by the facilitators voice against a backdrop of carefully selected music consisting of a variety of genres and tempos. The offering may facilitate a greater sense of finding embodied freedom in the natural intuitive movement of the body. The movement practice may resource the dancer with what they may need to access, awaken, inspire, witness, acknowledge express or release.

The invitation is to let go of judgment, expectation and attachment to any particular way of moving and simply follow the natural impulse to move and allow the dance to organically emerge. No dance experience required.
Sound Journey: In these experiences, we access the potential within our creative synergy through instrument and voice to inspire an environment that allows the individual an opportunity to access what they need most in the present moment. Travel with us on this integrative journey as we as we go within to explore the world of frequencies that vibrate and resonate from the heart of the universe.


Tonia (Aka Sachamamhealing) is an Expressive arts therapist, embodiment practitioner, Expressive movement facilitator and recovery coach in training. Her passion is to facilitate creative, therapeutic and shamanic processes that help people shed the outdated programs that cause them to repeat painful and self-sabotaging behaviours and support them in stepping into their highest potential and authentic embodiment.
Denzil Wait is a multi-instrumentalist and Cacao Kuchina working inside the healing and therapeutic potentials of rhythm and sound. Connecting the powers of harmony and resonance to align you with what you need most right now to achieve balance and wholeness.
Danyal Swan is a yoga teacher, multi-instrumentalist, energy medicine practitioner, certified parts therapy facilitator, and student of hypnotherapy. Facilitating from the heart, her focus is guiding an individual to tap into their own unlimited inner resources and potential to bring about healing, harmony, wholeness, from the inside out.


14:00 - Arrival, connecting as a group,

14:30 - Opening of the container 

15:00 - Yoga Flow with Danyal Swan

half and hour break

16:30 - Somatic Embodiment & Expressive Movement with Tonia Rall

half an hour break

19:30 - Integrative Sound Journey with Denzil Wait & Danyal Swan

21:00 - Closing circle & home time


Namaskar Wellness Hub
Beverley, Sandton, 2191
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