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Rethinking Our Relationship With Animals: A Discussion with Philosopher Thaddeus Metz

Thu May 25, 18:00 - Thu May 25, 19:30

Inside Out Centre for the Arts


Brain in a Vat and Inside Out Centre for the Arts presents 

Rethinking Our Relationship to Animals

Join us at the Inside Out Centre for the Arts for an engaging discussion on animal ethics, featuring one of the most important moral philosophers alive today, Thaddeus Metz.

Inspired by Inside Out Centre’s first exhibition, End of the Game, Metz will be joined by the hosts of the acclaimed Brain in a Vat podcast, Jason Werbeloff and Mark Oppenheimer, as they explore the complex ethical questions surrounding our relationship with animals. 

Is it morally justifiable to hunt animals for sport or for food? Is it ethical to keep animals in zoos or other forms of captivity? 

These are important questions that challenge some of our core values and beliefs, and we invite you to be a part of this stimulating conversation.

Each audience member will receive a copy of one of Brain in a Vat's publications and have an open viewing of the exhibition at the Inside Out Centre.

Book now to join us for a thought-provoking evening. 


Rethinking Our Relationship With Animals: A Discussion with Philosopher Thaddeus Metz
Inside Out Centre for the Arts
48 Jan Smuts Ave, Forest Town, Johannesburg, 2193
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