Family friendly

Cultivating Success by Harnessing the Power of Affirmations

Tue Oct 22, 19:00 - Tue Oct 22, 20:00

Event is online


Affirmations are like seeds planted in the garden of your mind, nurturing growth, and blossoming into a vibrant reality. With consistent care and nurturing, they grow into strong, positive beliefs that flourish and transform your mental landscape. With consistent practice, they trim away negative thoughts, allow growth, and cultivate a lush landscape of success and achievement. This simple and powerful tool, when utilised correctly has the potential to radically shift and change your behaviour.

What is the basic structure of a good affirmation? When is the best time to use or repeat them? Can I borrow and use common affirmations or create my own? How often can I change them?

Join me in this discussion where I address all of the above questions and provide deep insights that can be used to plan the next steps in your self-mastery journey.


The same event will be hosted in the weekend on a Saturday morning. Choose this event if it is more suitable.

Register for Saturday event