Johann Sebastian Bach: The Flute Sonates
Mon Oct 9, 15:00 - Mon Oct 9, 16:40
Standard Bank Endler
J.S. Bach made a significant contribution to the baroque flute repertoire. He composed seven substantial sonatas as well as a solo Partita. It is possible that some of these sonatas were completed by his son C.P.E. Bach. The Siciliano from the Sonata in E flat major, BWV 1031, is perhaps the most popular of the sonatas and has been transcribed for several other instruments.
J.S. Bach se bydrae tot die Barokfluit repertoire is aansienlik. Hy het sewe substansiële sonates sowel as ’n solo partita nagelaat. Van hierdie sonates is moontlik deur sy seun C.P.E. Bach voltooi óf selfs in die geheel geskryf. Die Siciliano van die Sonate in E-mol majeur (BWV 1013) is een van die gewildste komposisies van dié genre, en is vir verskeie ander instrumente aangepas. Die kort sonates is almal volgens die resep van drie-tot-vierdeligheid gekonsipieer.