Embody You
Tue Oct 10, 09:30 - Fri Oct 13, 21:20
HMS Bloemhof-skoolsaal
Embody You is ’n verkenning van die liggaam se rol en funksie deur middel van kontemporêre dans. Bewegings, gemoeds-toestande en gedagtes word ondersoek, asook ons strewe na betekenis terwyl ons worstel met kwessies soos identiteit, ouderdom, skoonheid, genot, liefde, pyn en hartseer. Hoe ons ervarings verwerk, laat interessante vrae ontstaan oor wie ons is en hoekom ons is soos ons is.
Embody You is a choreographic audio-visual display of the physical body’s role and function in what makes us human, explored through the medium of contemporary dance. Every day we experience the body differently, and wrestle with issues such as identity, age, beauty, pleasure, love, pain and sadness. How we deal with these experiences raises interesting questions about who we are, why we are the way we are and whether that is truly us or just the body that the world created for us.