Kirstenhof Community Business Network Breakfast - 31 August 2023

Thu Aug 31, 07:00 - Thu Aug 31, 08:30

The Table - CHS Life Centre


Serving My Soul (Marc Bovim - Life Coach) will be hosting the Kirstenhof Community Business Network Breakfast at The Table - CHS Life Centre on Thursday 31 August 2023. 7am - 8.30am.

This is a Kirstenhof Community initiative to bring local businesses together and connect with fellow community businesses over a light breakfast. Following the success of the first event in July, this will be a monthly event on the last Thursday of each month. There will be spot prizes from local businesses on the morning.


Each breakfast will have a guest speaker who will speak about a topic that impacts our community. It is a wonderful networking opportunity for local businesses to present their offerings. We are excited to present a community legend in the form of Charlie Flanagan - Lions Immediate Past District Governor of District 410W. He epitomises community involvement in his roles with Tokai Lions and is an all-around amazing person.


The Table (Kirstenhof's newest community cafe) will provide a breakfast buffet and filter coffee and tea. You are welcome to purchase speciality coffees if you wish. Please stipulate any dietary restrictions beforehand.


Spaces are limited to 36 spots, so please book asap. R125 per person including breakfast. Bring your business cards and promotional items. There will be space available for you to leave cards and leaflets.


"Get into your neighbours' business" and support local.