Family friendly

Old Chinatown - A peek into its pioneering past

Sat Aug 26, 11:00 - Sat Aug 26, 14:00

Sui Hing Hong


The discovery of gold on the Witwatersrand drew seekers from around the world, eager to make their fortune. Many Chinese pioneers also joined this gold rush and set up camp in the area of Johannesburg now known as Ferreirasdorp.

Join the JHF as we take you on an intimate walking tour through Joburg’s Old Chinatown, filled with tales of the early Chinese immigrants as well as later arrivals. Led by Claire van Zwieten and Lucas Quan, we'll get a sense of the social clubs, multi-generational dynasties, and the Chinese community’s role in the passive resistance campaign. 

We will end our tour with lunch at the legendary Swallows Inn Chinese Restaurant on Commissioner Street (lunch is included in the tour price, drinks for own account). Don't miss this amazing cultural and dining experience.

Please wear good walking shoes and a sunhat, and bring along water and sunblock. A car guard will be on duty at the meeting point.


Old Chinatown - A peek into its pioneering past
Sui Hing Hong
17 Commissioner St, Ferreiras Dorp, Johannesburg, 2048
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