No under 18s

He(art) Dance

Sat Sep 7, 17:30 - Sat Nov 30, 21:00

The Heart Space


A wonderful unique immersive experience for men and woman in a spacious beautiful warehouse with a fireplace and sweeping views of Table Mountain.


Be held by Rachel Smith through a short grounding meditation and expanding visualisation into an hour of playfulness, using collage to create your very own soul-card artworks. No experience is needed, just arrive as you are and be held gently into a dream and deeply creative flow state. Take these threads gathered from your artwork and be held by Karen Justine, as she guides you into movement, with a specially curated playlist, designed to connect you to your essence, breathing through stuckness, & shaking loose anything not serving your highest truth. You will feel a shift into the lightness of BEing.


Our wish is that this experience is fun, empowering and releasing!


This special 3 & 1/2 hour experience happens once a month at The Heart Space in Salt River, with inside parking. The facilitators have decades of experience holding groups through profound events, workshops and retreats. The outcomes are many. We hope for a calmer nervous system, an uplifted spirit, and new friendships formed.


SATURDAYS: Sept 7 / Oct 5 / Nov 2 & 30, 5:30pm – 9pm:

Chose 1 off or all 4 sessions. The more you do this, the more value you gain.

R888 per session all inclusive of all materials, tea/coffee, your art pieces and the playlist.

If you pay for all 4 sessions before July 30th, you get a lovely 30% discount. Was R3552, for you R2486.40

9pm -10pm: optional social and veggie soup.

All questions welcome: Rachel 0741666205

Read more Rachel:

Read more about Karen Justine:


He(art) Dance
The Heart Space
6 Spencer Rd, Salt River, Cape Town, 7925
Get Directions