Family friendly


Sat Aug 19, 12:00 - Sat Aug 19, 14:00

Rand Club - James Findlay Gallery


Rand Club, James Findlay and Bridge Books Present:

ANDREW HARDING is a British journalist and author who has been living and working abroad as a foreign correspondent for the past three decades, and working for BBC News since 1994. In March 2023 Andrew travelled to Ukraine as a BBC frontline correspondent and has returned repeatedly since then. It was a story he filed on the aftermath of a small battle in southern Ukraine that led him to write his latest book, A Small, Stubborn Town. Life, Death and Defiance in Ukraine.

Meet Andrew and find out more about his fascinating experience.

Venue: James Findlay Antique Maps and Collectable Books (Rand Club basement)

 "This gripping story is the literary equivalent of a superb miniature painting. Each street-level detail illuminates a bigger truth: why Ukraine succeeded in resisting Russia’s shock and awe onslaught last year, and how Moscow’s brazen attempt to subjugate an "

independent nation failed. Putin assumed that ordinary Ukrainians would welcome his expeditionary force. He was wrong and deluded." (Luke Harding, The Guardian, 26 June 2023)

 33 Loveday Street & Fox Street, Marshalltown, Johannesburg