No under 18s

Goal setting for success

Thu Mar 7, 09:00 - Fri Mar 8, 14:00

Event is online


This is a two-day goal setting workshop.

Goal setting is a practical tool to drive your vision forward with purpose and determination. It guides organisations, leaders, and employees forward with purpose, resolve and alignment.

Goal setting allows you to articulate a future desired state and provides clarity for the goal to be achieved. Implementation of achievable actions, which leads to quick wins, motivates employees to remain committed to the goal. Identifying and planning the management of obstacles ahead of time drives the resolve to stay the course when obstacles and setbacks occur, along the road to success.

Regular review of intentions and actions helps keep everyone aligned and on the right path to reaching the desired goals and outcomes as planned.

Setting goals can have a tremendous impact on the trajectory of your vision, mission, and projects, by creating a roadmap to success.


By the end of Day 1, you will be able to:

  • Explain the difference between a vision and a goal.
  • Discuss the importance of goal setting.
  • Discover the pitfalls of why goal setting fails.
  • Define the characteristics of good goal setting.
  • Explain how each level of the organisation can set effective goals.
  • Discuss the various types of goals to set.
  • Learn how to prioritise a multitude of goals to achieve success.
  • Use the drivers of motivation to keep employees engaged.

By the end of Day 2, you will be able to:

  • Apply SMART model to goal setting.
  • Create an action plan for achieving goal success.
  • Build accountability for your goals.
  • Define quick wins to catapult success.
  • Plan for obstacles.
  • Review failure positively.

Should you wish to sign up for a group of 10 or more, we can run an in-house course for you. You are welcome to contact Nompumelelo Khwalo at [email protected] or 066 475 2688.

Please note that the workshop link will be supplied upon completing the booking.