Women In Transport & Logistics Summit & Game Changers Awards

Fri Sep 27, 08:00 - Thu Nov 14, 18:00



The Annual Transport and Supply Chain Summit & Awards is Sincpoint’s and AWISCA’s industry’s premier networking event tailored for Businesses, Women professionals and Entrepreneurs and Youth in Transport and Logistics to learn, connect and expand their network and enhance their businesses through thought-provoking discussion panels and coaching circles. Currently on its 4th year the summit aims brings face to face interventions in the logistics and supply chain industry, for sustainable growth and development in Africa .

The summit is anchored under a theme “Supply Chain, The Heartbeat of the Economy” , reemphasizing the crucial impact of Transport and Logistics as a foundation of the economy. Part of the event includes hosting of the Supply Chain Game Changers Awards whereby trailblazers in Africa Supply Chains are honored.

Some of the themes for the summit:

  • Investments in transport infrastructure to boost trade and logistics - Road, Rail, Maritime & Aviation
  • Activating the Youth & Women Protocols - SMME development, enablement & opportunities
  • Access to market in Africa supply chains - end to end
  • Seizing opportunities through the African Free Continental Free Trade Area
  • Ecommerce & Last mile delivery - adapting transport systems to grow e-commerce sector.
  • Embracing technology opportunities in the transport sector
  • Exploring Funding solution and preparedness to finance Transport sector
  • Transport sector codes and impact in the industry
  • Harmonizing transport regulations across borders to facilitate trade