Family friendly

Dark Matter

Fri Sep 29, 18:30 - Sat Sep 30, 20:30

Young Blood Africa Cape Town


Dark Matter is a dance work about emerging from the dark into the light, exploring space, entering the unknown, defying the impossible. It’s about creating the future where nobody needs to chant they matter because it’s as logical as physics. Dark Matter is a rebellious, revelling relief, an explosion of a reality that too often is neatly organised on the walls of white cubes and black theatre wings, within the rigid boundaries of these frames. Dark Matter is a celebration of bodies escaping through creative expression after centuries of oppression, blooming into the light with love, anger, passion, and life. This works pays homage to the lives of trans and queer bodies that have been brutally murdered due to homophobia and a society that does not accept the beauty and existence of these beings. 

Choreography: Llewellyn Mnguni

Music: Aux Alaio

Costumes: Siyababa Atelier

Poetry: Maneo Mohale


Dark Matter
Young Blood Africa Cape Town
70, 72 Bree St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000
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