Friday Night Live with Caleb Meyer

Fri Dec 8, 18:00 - Fri Dec 8, 21:00



Friday Night Live is a series of beautiful, intimate performances from some of the most exciting talent Cape Town and South Africa has to offer, hosted at the KAYA Café. Friday Night Live is an event for performers to take in their own direction, creating an environment for audiences to engage deeply with the music, the meaning, and the people behind it all.

Caleb Meyer is a young and passionate vocalist who sings to honour the sacred tradition of South African jazz. With his music he works to express and heal collective wounds, while bringing a sense of joy to that process. Caleb wants to celebrate Blackness and the way music has been core to our existence as Africans. He sees this all as his contribution to the bigger story we’re all trying to tell. Love. Liberation. And being present to ourselves and others.

Tickets are hyper-limited. Make sure you buy online, as we cannot guarantee availability of tickets at the door!