Family friendly

Christmas Outdoor Boma Lunch at the Hangklip Hotel

Mon Dec 25, 12:30 - Mon Dec 25, 18:30

The Hangklip Hotel BOMA


Gather beneath the majestic Hangklip mountain in Pringle Bay for a festive Christmas celebration with friends and family, filled with feasting and joy.

Experience a splendid picnic bench table sharing dining experience at our newly upgraded Boma, where the aroma of food cooked over an open fire in our outdoor space sets the stage.

Delight in a thoughtfully curated 10-dish option menu that caters to every palate, whether you're a seafood enthusiast or a dedicated meat or gorgeous salad lover. Customize your meal to your liking—indulge in a mouthwatering variety of good 'ol SA dish options!

From the comforting embrace of traditional South African Pot Brood to the crisp freshness of gourmet salads, relish the journey through flavors that include succulent Swordfish and perfectly grilled Pichana Rump, thinly sliced and adorned with a zesty chimichurri herb dressing. Delight in Lamb & Veg Potjiekos served with a lekka dollop of pap! Conclude this culinary adventure with a refreshing homemade Sorbet featuring the vibrant essence of summer fruits or tuck a decadent sweet tooth dessert!

Come together for a day filled with celebration, fostering connections, grooving to great tunes, sharing laughter, and indulging in exceptional cuisine!


* Cheese & Corn Braai Bread & Braai broodtjies

* Pot Bread & Butter

* Mussel Pot

* Chicken Biryani

*Tabouleh Salad

*Apple Mint Spinach Salad

* Green Salad

* Swordfish Steaks

*Garlic Butter Prawns

*Lamb Potjie

* Rump Picanha & Chimichurri

* Malva Pudding & Custard

* Summer Fruit Sorbet

*** Limited seating available - Book early to guarantee your spot!

*** This event is a self service type lunch - where you can work your way through the different stations as the dishes are ready! Please read the detail when booking on the ticket descriptions!


Christmas Outdoor Boma Lunch at the Hangklip Hotel
The Hangklip Hotel BOMA
Overberg DC, 6940
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