Family friendly

Bill Knight

Thu Feb 29, 20:00 - Thu Feb 29, 21:30

The Commons


Bill Knight: Singer, Song-Poet, Story-Teller, Weaver of Tall Tales & Short Truths, Musical Activist. He strongly endorses the Tradition of the Troubadour and Musical Journeyman as Social Commentator and the Ethical Conscience of Society.

He writes in English and the Afrikaans Vernacular of the Western Cape and is Dedicated to the Nurturing of an Authentic South African Sound. He is a Purveyor of Dreams, Fireside Ballads and Torch-songs; truly, a “Smous of Songs”. This is Wes-Kaap Music at its Best!

Bill’s most recent Project is his exciting newly-formed Old Dogs Band with Derek Craig on Drums & Vocals and Jeremy Stephenson on Bass Guitar & Vocals.

Their Album In Full Cry, produced by Shoreline Songs, is now available on Bandcamp:


Bill’s compilation CD In the Blink of an Eye (Shoreline Songs) is also available on Bandcamp.