Grasses Identification - Quartzite Ridges
Sat Apr 6, 09:00 - Sat Apr 6, 12:00
Kloofendal Nature Reserve
This 3 hour course will include finding the different grasses in the field, become aware of the variety of grasses that grow in the natural veld as compared to the reduced number in the gardened part of the reserve, see where the different grasses grow, learn what the different parts of a grass are, the different inflorescences, learn what to look for when identifying the different grasses, see if they have been grazed, learn to observe why certain grasses are palatable and others are not, learn to recognise some of the indicator grasses, which, when common, show the condition of the veld, become aware of the alien invasive species, what harm they do. Expect to learn about 20 + grass species per course.
This course covers the following:
- Structure of the grass plant
- Identification
- Ecological status, palatability
The course includes the following:
- Kloofendal Grass Checklist
- Practical identification of grasses in the field
- Certificate issued on completion
What you need to bring
- “Field guide to grasses of southern Africa” by Frits van Oudthoorn is recommended.
- Ruler, pencil & magnifying loupe.
- Camping stool.
- Refreshment and snack.
- Hat and Sun cream recommended.
This identification course is ideal for:
- Field Guides.
- Conservation students.
- Owners of plots with natural veld.
- Farmers.
- General public.
The contents of this course are aligned to the Unit Standards as required by FGASA for the Apprentice Field Guide Qualification.
Presented by Karin Spottiswoode
Karin is a level 3 FGASA field guide and lectured for Bushveld Training Adventures. A keen interest in wild flowers, grasses, trees and the control of alien vegetation, Karin is vice-chairmen of Friends Of Kloofendal and heads up community projects within the reserve such as the alien vegetation invasive project, and conservation management of Kloofendal Nature reserve.