"Land of Khinyinyi Reimagined”

Fri May 10, 19:00 - Sat May 11, 20:00

CTDPS Dance Section, UCT Lower Campus, Lovers Walk, Rondebosch


This adapted dance performance traces the story of a dark love and betrayal that poisons the village of Khinyinyi. Inspiration for this performance is drawn from the African religious practices of the Yoruba people of Southwestern Nigeria, specifically their Orishas (Gods and Goddesses). Originally, the narrative focused on the four Orishas: Shango, Ogun, Oya, and Yemaya. This year we will be extending the narrative structure and composition that sets this story in South Africa, where we believe it to be artistically relevant. In 2022, we made use of the stories of the Orishas to stimulate our (re)imagining of material and dance vocabulary that encourage an embodiment of story. Through movement investigation and dramaturgy, we now attempt to further show how African stories from diverse countries can be similar and address common themes, while exploring this richness in diversity and potential for new fictional works.