Family friendly

SRC Mass Reunion at Homecoming | SR Massa-Reunie By Tuiskoms | 2024

Fri Sep 13, 18:00 - Fri Sep 13, 23:00

Vredenheim Wine Estate



We cordially invite you to the SRC Mass Reunion Dinner on Friday 13 September 2024. As a valued member of the SRC community, you and your partner are invited to attend and reconnect with former SRC members.

Date: Friday 13 September 2024

Time: 18:00-22:00

Location: Vredenheim Wine Estate (Directions)

Cost: R500 per person. (Includes welcoming reception, two course meal and refreshments on the table.)

RSVP: Click here to book your spot.

Non-SRC Partners are welcome to attend.

This will be the first Mass Reunion since 2003 and we are extremely excited about it!

Seating arrangements will be made by SRC year, and then by decade. Please invite your fellow SRC members and fill a table.


All former SRC Chairpersons are invited to the annual SRC Chairpersons meeting, hosted before the mass reunion dinner. Please RSVP for this meeting by booking your spot under the Tickets section on Quicket.

Please note this meeting is only for past SRC Chairpersons.

Date: Friday 13 September 2024

Time: 14:00-16:00

Location: SRC Boardroom, Neelsie


Our SRC Mass Reunion is taking place as part of the annual Maties Alumni Homecoming Programme, from 12-14 September 2024. As a special offer to SRC members, please use the promo code indicated below, when purchasing Homecoming tickets and get a special discount to all Homecoming events on Friday and Saturday. Click here to book your spot and use the promo code: SR.

We look forward to welcoming you back.

Matie greetings


Pieter-Schalk Bothma

SRC Chair 2006



Studenteraad (SR) Massa-reünie

Ons nooi jou hartlik uit na die SR massa-reünie op Vrydag 13 September 2024. As 'n gewaardeerde lid van die SR-gemeenskap, word jy en 'n metgesel uitgenooi om hierdie spesiale geleentheid by te woon en tyd saam met voormalige SR-lede deur te bring.

Datum: Vrydag 13 September 2024

Tyd: 18:00

Plek: Vredenheim-wynlandgoed (Aanwysings)

Koste: R500 per persoon. (Dit sluit in 'n verwelkomingsonthaal, 'n tweegang-maaltyd en verversings.)

RSVP: Klik hier om jou plek te bespreek.

Nie-SR metgeselle is welkom om by te woon.

Ons het in 2003 laas so 'n groot byeenkoms gehad, so ons is omtrent opgewonde! 

Tafelindelings sal eerstens volgens SR-jaar gemaak word, en dan volgens dekade. Nooi asseblief jou mede-SR-lede uit en vul 'n tafel.


Alle voormalige SR-voorsitters word genooi na die jaarlikse SR-voorsittersvergadering wat voor die massa-reünie plaasvind.

Datum: Vrydag 13 September 2024

Tyd: 14:00-16:00

Plek: SR-raadsaal, Die Neelsie

Bevestig asseblief jou teenwoordigheid deur jou kaartjies by die kaartjies-afdeling op Quicket te bespreek.

Neem asseblief kennis dat hierdie vergadering slegs vir voormalige SR-voorsitters is.


Ons SR massa-reünie vind plaas as deel van die jaarlikse Maties Alumni Tuiskomsnaweek vanaf 12 tot 14 September. As 'n spesiale aanbod aan SR-lede, bied ons 'n afslag op alle Tuiskomsgeleenthede op die Vrydag en Saterdag. Klik hier om jou Tuiskomskaartjies te koop. Gebruik asseblief die promosiekode: SR.

Ons sien daarna uit om julle weer te verwelkom.



Pieter-Schalk Bothma

SR-voorsitter 2006


SRC Mass Reunion at Homecoming | SR Massa-Reunie By Tuiskoms | 2024
Vredenheim Wine Estate
R310 Baden Powell Dr, Lynedoch, Stellenbosch
Get Directions