No under 16s

Humony Sound THRIVERS

Sat May 11, 15:00 - Sat Jun 1, 17:00

Divine venue with a fireplace overlooking the ocean to be disclosed upon booking


A journey of reviving the body’s natural energy flow and realigning to your thriving. 

Humony Sound’s Intention Humming Meditation has been developed through years of research and dedicated practice. Prior this, over a decade of music creation and performance and national touring and performing as Meri Kenaz revealed to them how the power of sound runs deeper than appreciation into the realm of personal affirmation and consciousness. Now they share over two decades worth of exploration and researched practice in this four week course, at a massive value price.

Because of South Africa’s diverse income range, we are offering a sliding scale ‘pay what you can’ price of R440 - R4400 when you book all four sessions, or R180 - R1800 per standalone session. You get what you give, and you give what is your current capacity, preparing your resonance to receive the infinite potentiality through understanding how vibration impacts your destiny.

In the THRIVERS four week course we'll be practicing:

- Soound chanting for energy body healing, releasing traumas and anxieties to recover your true blissful Self

- Torus energy field activation. Experience how energy becomes you.

- 'Timeline-shift' guided meditation aligning you to your Thriving and clearing the blocks that hold you back from reaching your fullest potential

The four sessions will each practice the above vibration shifting practices, while they are also designed to flow together as a series to transform your Life as we journey your own ‘hero’s journey’ through the four sessions, in seven steps:


  • Define your true desire in terms of your wellbeing, roles in life, and your personal genius.
  • Transform your vibration from your current reality to where/who you want to be


  • Envision your divine MAP — Massive Action Plan
  • Transform yourself to be the person who lives your ideal reality


  • Deeper development of your daily practice and culture
  • Align with your divine value and raise your standards


  • Celebrate what aligns with your thriving right here and now, and expand your capacity for overflow.

You can join one of the sessions as a standalone workshop, and gain huge benefit from the part of the journey you join on, or optimally join for all four sessions, in so doing transform you neurology to align to your Thriving with potency and ease. Studies have shown that you can change your neurology in four weeks. Use this workshop series to support your rewiring for success and perfect bliss throughout your journey to materialise it for yourself.

Intention Humming Meditation is helpful for:

  • dissolving anxiety
  • lifting mood
  • reducing stress and tension
  • lowering blood pressure
  • stimulating the vagus nerve
  • significantly increasing nitric oxide (supporting better brain function and blood flow to lungs and other vital organs)
  • boosting the immune system
  • hearing the body's wisdom to support transformation, 
  • improving your vocal range and confidence, and
  • increasing capacity to live your dream life

Book now and get massive value for less when you make a commitment for all four sessions at the super discounted cost. Sliding scale for different income brackets R440 - R4400. You can literally transform your Life with these four sessions, and I want you to be rewarded for making this a quantum four power shift in your world when you attend all four. Your effort to receive abundance will make all the difference! And I am looking forward to sharing the magic of Intention Humming Meditation with you! 

Contact Merike on 0652132996 for more info.