Kenridge Wildflower Walk 2024

Sat Sep 14, 11:00 - Sat Sep 14, 12:00

Salisbury Park


Join us for an informative session to learn about our very own local wildflowers. From the Bobbejaantjie to Viooltjies and Cape tulips and buttercups, we hope to see them all! PLUS, if you join us in cleaning up the very special Butterfly Haven earlier on the day, you may attend FREE.

Tickets cost R50

R30 for children and seniors

FREE to anyone planning to volunteer in the morning.


The clean-up will involve removing weeds and picking up litter in one of the Wildflower Stepping Stone Project's stepping stones, Butterfly Haven. It will run from 08:30 to 10:30. You can come for the entire session, half of it, or only a while - all hands helping are welcomed! Please bring gardening gloves, a weeding tool and a bag to remove weeds. Butterfly Haven forms part of Kenridge, specifically De Bron, and serves a very important connecting function between the Majik Forest conservation area and the De Bron and Kenridge Parks. It also lies on the banks of the Liesbeek river, which is home to a variety of pollinators, birds and wildlife. The better we look after Butterly Haven, the more we hope the riverine creatures will also (eventually) benefit!


The walk starts after the clean-up, at 11 am. You are under no obligation to attend the clean-up, and anyone is welcome to show up for only the walk! Also, if you do attend the clean-up, you are still welcome to donate to the walk. All funds go towards the upkeep of the Kenridge Wildflower Route and the stepping stones along the way.

Unlike last year, when we did the entire Kenridge Wildflower Route, we'll be focusing on one special park: Salisbury Park. It's a large park in the middle of Kenridge that features mostly Swartland Shale Renosterveld, and includes a few very special species: Aristea africana, Phylica plumosa, Pauridia capensis, Babiana nervosa, Lachenalia pallida, Ornithogalum thyrsoides.. to name a few.

The walk will be approximately 1 hour long, from 11 am until noon, starting at the new children's play equipment at the back of Fairmont High School, in Reservoir rd.


Butterfly Haven is where we'll be cleaning from 08:30. This is a Stepping Stone opposite the Protea Hotel, on Jip de Jager drive.


In Salisbury Park, at the back of Fairmont High School. Look for the play equipment in Reservoir rd, Kenridge.


Kenridge Wildflower Walk 2024
Salisbury Park
Reservoir Rd, Kenridge, Cape Town, 7550
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