Unlocking your futurist mindset Worksho

Tue Oct 8, 09:00 - Tue Oct 8, 12:00

Event is online


See Futures Thinking in action. A Workshop in the ‘Think Like a Futurist’ series

Our plans and hopes for the future are useless unless we have the mindset to approach the volatility and ambiguity of the unknown. 

This workshop gives us practical tools and insights to understand our own thinking as well as nurture useful frames of reference for our teams and our clients. 

In this 3 hour workshop we will explore:

  • The Philosophy, Psychology and Practicality Model
  • Design and Systems Thinking
  • Causal Layered Analysis
  • Comparative reading and challenging mindsets

This webinar will help you develop:

  • Your critical thinking skills
  • Your creativity, curiosity and imagination
  • Your collaborative and inter-personal skills
  • Your leadership insights
  • Your professional development skills
  • Your futures literacy

Who is this course for?

  • Professionals
  • Business Owners
  • Leaders
  • Innovators
  • Strategists
  • Creators
  • Explorers
  • Consultants
  • People reinventing themselves
  • Life Long Learners

What you will receive:

  • Access to a recording of the workshop afterwards for a limited time
  • A workbook with explanations, examples and additional exercises 
  • A set of templates for you to use with your own teams

4 Part Series

This workshop may be taken alone but it is part of the 'How to Think Like a Futurist' series.

  1. Develop your own futurist skills. Unpack your Futurist Toolkit. Workshop #1 in the ‘Think Like a Futurist’ series
  2. Unlocking your futurist mindset. See Futures Thinking in action. Workshop #2 in the ‘Think Like a Futurist’ series
  3. Implementing Futures Thinking. Crafting more preferred futures. Workshop #3 in the ‘Think Like a Futurist’ series
  4. Become a futurist change agent. From Foresight to Action. Workshop #4 in the ‘Think Like a Futurist’ series


R1,250 per delegate 

Discounts are available for:

3 or more delegates from the same company

for paying members of the Futures Alchemy Collaborative on Patreon 

Booking for all 4 workshops in the “Think Like a Futurist” workshops. 

For a quote or invoice, please be in touch. [email protected] 



You can book via Quicket or request an invoice. Payment may be made via PayPal 

Do you want to know more?

Request a copy of either the Future Literacy or Chief Futures Thinking Officer ebook

The Presenter

Charlotte Kemp is the Futures Alchemist. She is a professional futurist, member of the Association of Professional Futurists (APF), Past President of the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa (PSASA) and Past President of the Global Speakers Federation (GSF). Besides speaking, Charlotte is also the author of “Futures Alchemist”, “How to be the Conscious Futurist the World Needs Now” and other topics available on Amazon

For more, check out Charlotte’s LinkTree

Part of a Series

This workshop may be taken alone but it is part of the 'How to Think Like a Futurist' series.

  1. Develop your own futurist skills. Unpack your Futurist Toolkit. Workshop #1 in the ‘Think Like a Futurist’ series
  2. Unlocking your futurist mindset. See Futures Thinking in action. Workshop #2 in the ‘Think Like a Futurist’ series
  3. Implementing Futures Thinking. Crafting more preferred futures. Workshop #3 in the ‘Think Like a Futurist’ series
  4. Become a futurist change agent. From Foresight to Action. Workshop #4 in the ‘Think Like a Futurist’ series