Blessing Germa!

Mon Aug 5, 08:00 - Tue Sep 3, 17:00

Event is online



"Free State Landscape" 

Original oil on canvas board 

90cm x 120cm

Value R30 000

Some of you might have heard that Germa Hattingh, the Vice President of the BNI Superabundant Chapter, was admitted to the hospital on Monday, 2024/07/15, for the 2nd time in a month. There were some complications during the 2nd operation, and she was transferred to the ICU on 22/07/2024. She is not on medical aid (please don’t judge; there are valid reasons), and the hospital and medical bills are exploding on a ridiculous scale.

We at the BNI Superabundant Chapter want to assist with the medical expenses and are raffling off this sponsored original masterpiece at only R100 per entry ticket. You can enter as many tickets as you want they will all count. PLEASE help us to help this rock in our BNI community.

The draw and handover will occur at BNI Superabundant's next in-person chapter meeting on 4 September 2024. You don't have to be present to receive your prize, but it would be awesome to have you there. Please contact our treasurer Karolien on [email protected] to book your seat.

[email protected]